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Will it be Lucky "Friday the 13th" for Nintendo

                                                          Nintendo and Friday the 13th..! F riday the 13th . This might get you remember of some horror movie or horror fact or some bad omen or some unlucky day or time . Tomorrow was 13th of January and the day was F riday. And guess what ? This is also the day the people like me were waiting for this day from few months when first N intendo switch was revealed in 2016. Nintendo Switch N intendo S witch is a gaming console one of its kind . Its a hybrid gaming console , it means that it can be converted to a home based video gaming console to H and held or p ortable gaming device in few seconds . And can also support multi player gaming at the same time. And how its done we will tell you about it later in coming month of M arch when it will be available for sale in market ...

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